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Weekly Round-Up 11.29.2020

Writer's picture: Spencer BauckeSpencer Baucke

I hope everyone had a great week of work and holidays if you celebrated any this week! I don't know about you all, but I am staring at 2021 on my calendar and it can't come soon enough. Get me out of this 2020 mess! To help speed up our escape out of the year from hell, here is this week's #SportsVizSunday Round-Up.

First off is a dashboard visualizing F2 Championship series of racing data by Vivi.

Check out this viz by Rob Radburn using this month's #SportsVizSunday monthly challenge data, the history of boxing title belts. You can see how many defenses each fighter made for each title by the coloring of the bars.

Check out this viz by Laura Sandford about Ronnie "The Rocket" O'Sullivan, the most successful snooker player with a record 6 World Championships.

This viz by Luther Flagstad made the rounds on Twitter this week, and rightfully so. It tells the cool story of Paul McBeth's perfect disc golf round at the 2018 Great Lakes Open.

Here is Abhishek's ode to the great cricket captain, MS Dhoni.

I really like this KPI-like visualization of Ronaldo's FIFA rankings by Yash Sakhuja.

Check out the Sankey party hosted by Mateusz showing F1 seasons, teams, and drivers.

Inspired by Matt Chambers, Vignesh Suresh created this viz for the WBC Light Flyweight Championship match between Stevenson & Jack.

We saw this viz by Ashwin Shankar on Tableau Public. Very cool design, be sure to check it out here.

Very informational viz by Abhishek Sahu about this month's data set on boxing champions.

Really cool sports-themed #IronQuest submission from Kris Curtis on his favorite club, Fulham FC.

What a great viz from a Tableau heavyweight (ba dum chhh) on heavyweight title history that evokes the imagery of people sitting around a boxing ring watching a fight with one of the most iconic boxing photos of all time showing Muhammad Ali knocking out Cleveland Williams in the middle. Absolutely fabulous!

This viz by Gorazd Surla has a few different elements in it that I really appreciate. I like the simplicity of the dots showing each fighter, it really allows you to focus on each dot instead of overwhelming you with lines going everywhere. I also like the sizing of the dots by title defenses, that adds in a lot of cool insight and draws your eyes to people like Joe Louis who held their titles for a while. Lastly, the coloring of the dots by time period is a nice touch and shows Gorazd did some research to find information that was not included in the original data set. Fantastic job!

If you're into NCAA basketball, make sure to check out Luke Benz's site in the tweet below. Lots of cool breakdowns available!

Thanks everyone for checking out this week's round-up, have a great #SportsVizSunday!


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