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Weekly Round-Up 02.05.2023

Welcome to the #SportsVizSunday weekly round-up and our first in the month of February. At this point, I'd like to remind you all there is still time to enter the fantastic #GamesNightViz and #SportsVizSunday collaboration with four unique and fascinating data sets to choose from. And while I'm talking about tags, thanks to everyone that includes #SportsVizSunday when publishing their work. It really does help build momentum in the community and I speak on behalf of all the team when I say how inspiring it is to look through the Twitter feed and see all the mentions and positive feedback coming through.

So, don't forget the #SportsVizSunday tag when you publish and if you see something sports related on your feed, please send your kudos using the #SportsVizSunday tag as well. In case you forgot, the tag to use is:

It's only right I start this weeks round-up with an entry for our collaboration with the wonderful Games Night Viz team and a design from our wonderful team member, Mo Wootten, no less. Mo chose to visualise the Tiddlywinks dataset looking at World Singles Champions and has done a fantastic job of bringing that particular sport/game/pastime/hobby to life. I love the curves (not the easier to achieve in Tableau) and how they instantly make me visualise the flicking, floating motion of the tiddlywink flying through the air.

Sports Viz Sunday regular, Samuel Epley dazzles again with this jaw-dropping network chart on American Football titled Super Bowl Roster Network Analysis. A huge amount of detail is packed into this which must be explored to be appreciated fully. Do check out the tweet below as Samuel references a fantastic tutorial on how to create these network charts in Tableau.

Onto football next, and Daniel Musli takes a look at crossing in the Premier League. I like the detail of the table coupled with the visual appeal of the pitchmap of each cross location. When I was looking at the stats here I couldn't help wondering which end of the cross is the most important to achieving success. Is it the crosser's ability to put in an accurate cross or is it the player on the receiving end of the cross that dictates its success by being in the right position, anticipating or reacting better to the flight of the ball? An interesting debate to have!

What, another Sports Viz Sunday co-lead publishing a viz this week?! And this is one to be celebrated as it marks the 200th viz published on Tableau Public by the one and only Simon Beaumont. 200 vizzes in itself is an incredible achievement but when they are all packed full of quality stories and exceptional design features it takes the whole profile to a different level. The 200th doesn't disappoint and focuses on the Sustainability Index across the Premier League. Comprising four individual metrics there are so many talking points within this visual and you'd like to hope so much potential for improvement for clubs in many areas of how they operate. Congratulations, Simon. Here's to the next 200!

A spot of athletics now and Arshu looks back at the exceptional career of the fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt. This simple yet effective design shows both the longevity and success of Bolt's incredible journey. Great work, Arshu!

Hang on, we've got another Sports Viz Sunday co-lead publishing work this week. From a poker perspective, we'd have had a full house if only I was able to up my game! CJ Mayes gets down and dirty again in the world of code and Python to grab some xG data from Understat before building a stunning visualisation in Tableau. As is the norm with CJ's tutorials they give you everything you need, explained in great detail, to be able to follow along.

The New Year is a great time to reflect but also plan and set goals for the twelve months ahead and Jett Plattner does a fantastic job of this by building this 2023 Peleton Fitness Tracker. Design, colour and content are all spot on and I wish Jeff every success in being able to achieve these goals this year.

Gareth Cooper turns to a small multiple approach to analyse each English Championship Football clubs xG and xG (expected goals for and against). I love how each clubs view tells a unique story but with the inclusion of the additional, de-emphasised, context of the other clubs as well.

This radar chart from Sports Viz Sunday regular Yash showcases Manchester City's Khadija Shaw comparing her attributes relative to others. It's easy to see with this view how effective Shaw is at certain areas of her game and immediately I was able to build up a comprehensive picture of her style of play. Nice work, Yash.

I enjoyed the story this line chart told in that finally, after a couple of years of extremely turbulent times sporting events are beginning to recover from the global academic. In this case, Rebecca Finlay explores attendance at the Australian Open tennis grand slam. It sure is great to see capacity crowds back at these iconic tournaments.

That's all for this week, everyone. Another week of incredible variety and visual expertise covering a multitude of different sports. Congratulations to everybody on some wonderful work.

Simon and the #SportsVizSunday team

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