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Weekly Round-Up 03.27.2022


Welcome everyone to our latest round-up of the best the web has to offer when it comes to sports and data viz.

As I sit here watching Charles Leclerc and Max Verstappen do battle at the Saudi Arabia Grand Prix, it seems only fitting to start this week's round-up with a Formula 1 viz. Craig White has produced an absolutely stunning exploration of F1 data in this PowerApps build. The interface is incredibly clean and it is bursting with insights and analysis. Really great work and I couldn't help but enjoy the #NoSidePods hashtag in his tweet!

Personally, collaboration visualisations are always a massive highlight for me. I find it fascinating how designs can evolve when two minds come together and develop into something special. This was very much the case with this viz by CJ Mayes and Adam Green. They looked at the Women's 2021 French Open Final and the design is simply stunning. It has all the clarity and cleanliness you come to expect from them both, but what I really enjoyed was the responses on Twitter, and people sharing their "ah ha" moments as they realised the depth of the analysis during exploring the viz. I always think a viz is at its best when it grabs your attention with the initial design but then keeps you coming back with layers of analysis of interaction. Great job, guys.

Next up we have Chris Westlake who celebrated Italy ending their run of 36 defeats in the Six Nations. I love the little play on words with the title, the simple use of colour and the labelling, and I have to say, what a match! Felicitazioni gli Azzurri!

Halftime Heroes are a group of sports loving data wizzes at the Information Lab in the Netherlands, so it won't surprise you they create some great content. Their latest one looks at the battle for top spot in the Eredivisie (The top league of Dutch football).

#SportsVizSunday regular, @Brett2point0, was back in the game this week with some great analysis of the first match ups at this year's March Madness.

At #SportsVizSunday we aren't only about the vizzes, we also appreciate when people take the time to make publicly available sports data sets. This week Meghan Chayka shared an amazingly rich data set related to tracking data for Women's Hockey.

Finally, I end with a shout out to our #SportsVizSunday co-host Kate Brown. Kate and the team worked their socks off this month to put up some great data sets as part of our March challenge. As part of Women's History Month we have shared 3 different data sets that celebrate female athletes. Kate explored the votes for the 2021 WNBA MVP and, in particular, how Jonquel Jones absolutely dominated the first placed votes.

So far, participation in the March challenge has been pretty sketchy, which is such a shame given the chance to showcase female athletes and viz some fantastic data sets. There is still time left to get involved, just jump into the data and tweet your viz using the hashtag #SportsVizSunday and we will ensure it's featured in the following weekly round-up.

That's all for this week, see you all in 7 days for another jam packed round-up.


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