Hope everyone had a great weekend and got to spend time either participating or watching their favorite sports. We got 3 fantastic entries for our May challenge and also saw some other great sports related visualizations this week. Be sure to check all of these out!
Dennis used Figma, QGIS, Tableau Public, and our May challenge data set to visualize the winners of the Kentucky Derby. I like the idea of doing the timeline on the track and love the different symbol for the triple crown winners.
Ryan visualized the Kentucky Derby data with this Tableau Public viz. I like the circular timeline and the annotations.
Simon also used our May challenge data set and used Tableau Public to visualize the results from the Kentucky Derby. Nice work on this Simon, I like the colors and the distribution charts.
Riley used Tableau public to visualize legal sports betting in the US. I learned a lot about legalized sports gambling from this viz.
Toan created another great bracket visualization with Tableau Public using the Champions League data. This is another great idea for tournament vizzes.
Ryan used Tableau Public to visualize Russell Westbrook's 182 triple doubles. There are some really nice design & chart choices in this viz.
Mateusz created this great Tableau Public visualization celebrating Lewis Hamilton's 100th pole position. I always enjoy seeing Mateusz work.
Yash used Tableau public to visualize the 100 goals Cristiano Rolando has scored for Juventus. This has a nice infographic feel to it.
Frederic used the new web create option in Tableau Public to create this visualization that compares the goals per game of the 5 European football (soccer) leagues.
Check out this animated bump chart from Motor Racing Addict and the additional Formula E visualizations on their Tableau Public page.
There is a lot to explore in this Tableau Public viz on Jordans by Gian. Great interactivity in this visualization.
Hope everyone has a great week and happy vizzing!