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Weekly Round-Up 07.25.2021


Updated: Aug 22, 2021

It was great to see all the Olympic visuals this week! There is still another week to participate in the July challenge and I'm looking forward to seeing more vizzes come in this week.

We have a great event with Tableau on Tuesday where you can watch Simon build an Olympics viz in 20 minutes and listen to Spencer and I give the play by play.


Lina visualized Singapore at the Olympics with this Tableau public visualization. It's interesting to see the shift of more female athletes than male through the 2000s.

Devin created this visual for the history of India in the Olympics. India has sent their largest contingent of athletes to the last two Olympics, will be interested to see how they fare in their most successful sport of field hockey .

Brett's becoming a regular SVS participant and this Spotfire app was a lot of fun to use. I filtered to see how many athletes there were that shared my first name and learned that China has dominated Badminton in the 2000s.

Rob created this tree-map viz on Great Britain's summer Olympic teams. I like the ability to pivot between different views in this viz. I spent a fair amount of time exploring the sports by % of sport that were male.

Simon's viz on Great Britian at the summer Olympics is great. I love the unit charts with the totals by medal. It is interesting to see the domination, the fall off, and the re-bound.

Anathan created this visualization that looks at the 25 countries that have won 80% of the medals at the Olympics. There's some great interactivity in this viz.

Plot Parade has some mesmerizing visualizations on the Olympics including this one on the men's 400 freestyle final. Give them a follow to see more visualizations like this.

Ray created this viz on the Canadian team. I enjoyed exploring the viz and learned that there is a 56 year old Canadian on the team!

Other Sports:

Doug created this viz on the last 20 years of the LPGA tournament at Evian. I spent a lot of time exploring the cumulative score chart. Thanks for participating in the mini-challenge Doug!

Gian created this visual that looks at Suns v. Nuggest NBA series. There is some great interactivity in this viz, and How, Where, and How Much maps were well done.

Congratulations to regular SVS participant Mateusz Karmalski for coming in 3rd in the Lingaro Group's Euro 2020 competition with this spectacular viz!


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