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Weekly Round-Up 10.30.2022


Happy Sunday, sports and data-viz fans and welcome to another #SportsVizSunday weekly round-up.

Before jumping into the vizzes this week, a quick shout out to Ireland's T20 cricket team. One of the big attractions of following sports is the opportunity to enjoy a David v Goliath style clash. The underdog surely cannot triumph and yet sport regularly finds a way to allow for the giant killing to happen. On Wednesday, Ireland shocked the cricketing world by beating England in their Super 12 match, throwing Group 1 wide open. Congratulations to Andrew Balbirnie on masterminding the heroics of his team.

Now to the vizzes, and it is great to be able to start with this one from Karl Ericson who has participated in our October rowing monthly challenge. Karl calls out some fantastic facts from the data and includes a nice interactivity through use of Tableau parameters.

Going back to the Cricket World Cup, I loved these Team Australia batting wagon wheels from Liam Crow; they are so easy to understand and offer the reader the ability to compare batting styles of each batsman.

Keeping on the theme of line vizzes, Jamie Williams leveraged a Tableau tutorial written by Lilla Rasztick to visualise the try scored by each team in the 2022 Super 6 Sprint Series.

Next up, Formula 1 and F1Charts, the brainchild of Mateusz Karmalski. This week, following Red Bull's 2022 title win, Mateusz analysed F1 Construction Champions.

It is always a personal highlight when I have the opportunity to showcase and celebrate a viz by Todd Whitehead; his work is also so insightful and creative and this week he kept up that trend with this fantastic creation that analysed the starting lineups of NBA teams, based on the players first club. It really does allow you to see which teams have nurtured talent from their ranks.

And now onto IronViz.

The theme for the 2023 feeder competition is Games and as you may expect there have been plenty of sports vizzes created. This year I am one of the judges for the feeder round and as such, to remain neutral and to avoid influencing anyone, I am avoiding commenting on any of the entries; instead all of the sports vizzes created so far are listed below, for you to enjoy:

Nicole Klassen


Karl Ericson

Kim Tricker

Rob Watson

Quinn Serfass

Daniel Ling

Ant Pulley

And finally, Adam Green

Now if you have enjoyed the 14 vizzes showcased, I promise you I have saved the best news until last. Earlier this week the shortlist was announced for the 2022 Information Is Beautiful Awards. Leisure, Games and Sport had its own dedication section and the 8 vizzes shortlisted are all sensational. That said, everyone here at Team SportsVizSunday wanted to give a huge shout out to two of our favourite sports viz designers, both of whom were in the shortlist. Take a bow Krisztina Szucs and Matt Miller, thank you for all you do to inspire the sports data viz community.

That's all for this week, folks. I hope you have enjoyed the round-up, come back next week for some more sporting viz treats.



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