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  • Writer's pictureSpencer Baucke

Weekly Round-Up 11.15.2020

Hey #SportsVizSunday folks! You might notice a little change in the way we're operating this week because you're reading a blog post and not a Twitter thread. We are excited to announce that going forward we will be publishing our content every week on a blog instead of a Twitter thread for a couple of reasons. First off, you are now able to go back and reference specific weeks to get the content you're looking for. Secondly, Twitter thread can be hard to follow and scroll through. And lastly, now we are able to have all of our content centralized in one place that doesn't depend on me having a Twitter account. So enough with the nonsense, let's get started!

This viz was certainly the talk of the #SportsVizSunday town recently with Alex Varlamov showing off his Zen-like capabilities displaying NBA shot chart data from an earlier monthly data challenge data set.

The always publishing Jeff Plattner submitted a gem here (no pun intended) showing us NBA Draft gems, or players who might have been overlooked by teams.

Admittedly, I don't know much about cycling, but Primoz Roglic looks like an absolute boss at racing a bicyle according to this viz by Javier Angulo Guirao.

Although Simon Beaumont is a #SportsVizSunday co-founder, we still like to hype his work as it's usually jaw-dropping, and this one is no exception! This month's theme is boxing data as well, so maybe this will provide you some inspiration.

The content that Motor_Racing_Addict puts out on a consistent basis is amazing. Great running total of F1 wins for two of the greatest to ever do it, Lewis Hamilton and Michael Schumacher.

Goodness gracious, THIS VIZ IS ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITES. Pat Sarsfield knocked this one out (no pun intended) visualizing the famous Gatti vs Ward boxing trilogy. If you are familiar with the movie The Fighter or boxing history, make sure to check this viz out. Just outstanding!!!

I saw this viz on LinkedIn posted by Vishal Viswakumar. He also has a lot of other cool sports vizzes he's done, but this one stands out. Inspired by #SportsVizSunday co-founder James Smith, Vishal shows us a detailed history of the Heavyweight division in boxing. Great viz for this month's theme of boxing!

One of our alternative data sets this month was brought to us by Rodrigo Calloni

showing goals by Pele for his 80th birthday. Adam Green took this and created some amazing data art in this viz below.

This viz by Baljinnyam Enkhtur uses this month's data challenge data showing the history of the WBA championship belt in boxing.

#SportsVizSunday mainstay Daniel Ling gives us the turnover of Premier League managers within seasons by each team. It looks like Crystal Palace sure can go through them!

Peter McKeever has been featured so many times in my weekly Twitter thread, it only seems right to keep up that tradition in this week's round-up. In this viz Peter shows how shot distance in the top 5 European leagues continues to get closers and closer to the net.

Ed does a lot of great work on mapping soccer into Tableau. Make sure to give him a follow!

Keep your eyes on CJ Mayes. I have a feeling you'll be seeing him named Ambassador before too long as he seems to produce amazing work on a weekly basis. Here's a radial Sankey of FA Cup winners.

Here's another CJ viz, this time showing Gram Slam results since 2000.

Check out this viz by Will Sutton that provides a really cool analysis of runner times among the Abbott World Marathon Majors.

This is a great example of #SportsVizSunday community members inspiring each other as Daniel Sedin created this viz on Michael Jordan's career using Jeff Plattner's Kobe Bryant viz as inspiration.

Sam Epley created this really cool dashboard showing college football standings using some Luke Stanke inspired Workout Wednesday techniques.

Make sure to go check out this month's data, the history of boxing championship belts, the link is below.

Great stuff everyone! Thanks to all the contributors, viewers, and participants in any way that make this community go round. Have a great week!

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