Welcome #SportsVizSunday fans to another weekly round-up of the sports visualisations and content created across the community over the last 7 days. With many of you enjoying some thanksgiving downtime this week, we have a relatively light round-up this week, but fear not, what we lack for in volume, we make up for in quality.
First up we celebrate another #SportsVizSunday creation by regular contributor and Tableau Zen Master Hall of Famer, Rob Radburn. Rob analysed each of the 10,188 balls bowled at the recent T20 Cricket World Cup and in true Rob style kept the design accessible and engaging, thanks for all you do to support, #SportsVizSunday, Rob and we look forward to seeing your next creation.
Keeping with the theme of #SportsVizSunday regular contributors, if you read our round-ups on a regular basis you would have noticed numerous features for Samuel Epley. This week Samuel updated his College Football Rivalries viz and it is as good now as it was when he created it, I absolutely adore the chart choice and design.
Now we all know of mine and Kate's love of golf, so it's always enjoyable to be able to showcase a golfing viz, but I think this is a first for #SportsVizSunday with a mini-golf viz being featured! Anyone that is familiar with the amazing talents of Lindsay Betzendahl wont be surprised at how gorgeous her viz looks, analysing the recent mini-golf gathering of some of the #DataFam during #Data21. What Lindsay can do with Tableau and Figma is pretty amazing, so it is well worth checking this one out.
Like baseball or not, anyone who likes sports visualisations should definitely check out the talents of Daren Willman, Senior Director of R&D for the Texas Rangers. OK, so his latest tweet wasn't full of amazing MLB insights, but it was pretty damn cool given the time of year, happy thanksgiving everyone!
Moving on from the vizzes, this week there were some fantastic how to guides and viz reflection blogs written.
Tedy Iskandar shared this on linked in about how to scrape sports websites for local football data, great stuff Tedy.
And finally on the blog content, Tableau Ambassador, Adam Green revisited his #SportsVizSunday Women's Super League viz to share his technique for creating a stem and leaf plot. It is a great read and includes a playful way to grade the difficulty of creating a chart, the "faffometer"!
To finish up with this week I wanted to say thank you to each and everyone of you who have engaged with #SportsVizSunday in 2021. To celebrate thanksgiving, Tableau, created a marketing campaign to encourage people to recognise members of the #datafam that people were grateful for and it made our week to see #SportsVizSunday getting a shoutout, thank you Jessica!