Hi all,
Welcome back to another SportsVizSunday. An early one this week before we settle in to watch the Mens World Cup Final this afternoon. I'm hoping for what will be a high action game packed with goals - but we'll have to wait until the next weeks round up to see if that comes true or not. (Allez Les Bleus!!)
In other final's news around the world, Tableau recently announced the three finalists that will be battling it out on stage to become the IronViz Champion. Congratulations to Brittany, Paul and Nirosh for their successful entries! Take a look at the full comms below.
Onto this weeks content,
Rob showcases Rugby Prem stats over time, drawing attention to the success of the Leicester Tigers. I'm actually the same age as Max Malins and use to play sport with him so to now see people measure his stats whilst at Saracens still blows my mind a little bit. Absolute legend in the game, ahead on 16 tries.
Thanks for Sharing Rob - wonderful way of applying colour effectively throughout the visual.
Vignesh practices his layer skills using imagery to showcase the La Liga winning football managers team and national identity over the years. Just look at the dominance of Real Madrid! Take a look to see which managers won it 3,4 or even 5 times on the bounce!
Marc creates pass network chord charts for the four semi finals earlier in the week.
There is something so aesthetically beautiful from radial designs. A nice punchy colour palette representative of the respective nations colours.
John looks at goal scoring abilities from all the greats since 1980. The fact Haaland has scored 1.17 per 90 is simply mindblowing! Make sure to check out the github link to switch views between minutes, matches age and date.
Jared is killing it this year. I was really excited to see how he has started to utilise the NHL API to track match stats in real time. How exciting that we can see shot map location data.
Jared has shared some of his process of the initial code and the influence of ChatGPT on his personal twitter page.
Getting ready for the remainder of the Premier League season? Well Chris has you sorted. You can now see per team which players have had the longest break since being knocked out in the World Cup. It'll be interesting to see the impact this may have on player performance when we restart on boxing day.
A really interesting way of splitting pitch minutes by players team, from Steve. It may or may not come as a surprise that most minutes come from Manchester City. Drill down into the tree map bars to see it at player level.
Nir showcases the different teams performance over the last few decades. So impressed to find out how Argentina have been the only team to stay in the Top 10 ranking since 1998. (even Brazil dropped out momentarily!)
Last but not least Jeff closes out our round up this week taking a look at some of the NBA stars championships. I am loving the horizontal panning to this visual! The coloured bars help me easily understand the years in which the players won the title. I have to also call out the consistency in imagery too. It helps elevate the cleanliness of the viz so much.
That's it for this week! A final reminder to those wanting to submit their work to our showcasing, do use our hashtag #SportsVizSunday on Twitter.
Take care,
CJ and the #SportsVizSunday team