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Weekly Roundup 02.11.2024

Writer's picture: Cj MayesCj Mayes

Happy Sunday, sports fans! As the week rolls past it brings with it exciting new sports results. Usually, I don't manage to find time in the week to watch all the sport I'd like to but feel quite fulfilled from the mix of premier league darts and six nation games this week. Hope those who stay up to watch the Super Bowl tonight enjoy it - who have you got the 49ers or the chiefs? Either way, I'm hoping it can make for some exciting new vizzes in coming weeks.

You can find some vizzes celebrating the SuperBowl in this tweet from the CEO of Tableau, Ryan Aytay.

I saw this Back 2 Viz Basics chart on Tableau Public this week by Jacob - This weeks was on line charts. I love the simplicity of clicking the different baseball years for YoY comparisons, and the elegance of the reference lines and built in BANs.

With the on-going Six Nations I was intrigued by this tweet from Brett Igoe, who shares details about the Ireland u20's rugby team and their transition into Internationals competition. Definitely interesting to see how different countries approach the development cycle and the difference age balance when they get to international level.

Pie heaven this week, from the MakeOver Monday data set on on Forbes Highest paid athletes. I love the simplicity of splitting the individuals on and off field earnings, whilst giving context to the value and ranking them in descending order. Some really nice touches Ademola.

Closing out this week, I was tagged in this awesome viz by Gianmarco this week who also does a spin on the same Makeover Monday dataset!

Gianmarco has managed to paint each player using points, in Tableau assigning color to show the split between on and off field earnings. My personal favourite part of this viz is the "known more about a specific athlete" section and the awesome ranking variance chart.

That's it for this round-up,

Have a good rest of your day and we will catch you next week. Take care,

CJ and the Sports Viz Sunday team


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