Wow! What an impressive array of designs to cover this week. A combination of leagues reaching their respective climaxes, end-of-season playoffs, classic spring tournaments, and the warmer weather encouraging us to get on our bikes or put our trainers on has led us to
vizzes from the worlds of football, basketball, tennis, cycling, and running passing by the #sportsvizsunday desk. Let's dive straight in.
As Ant & Dec would say in Britain's Got Talent (my children make me watch it), in "no particular order"we have great friend of the team, Will Sutton who has created this brilliantly fun viz showing how fastest marathon times compare across various age groups. I've never run a marathon so I had to guess a possible time–5:30 seems realistic with a bit of training–but I'm pleased to say that despite coming second to last across all age groups I'd absolutely destroy a four year old. Get in! Next, with a bit of extra training, I have the 84 year old in my sights :-)
If cycling is more your thing then check out this stunner of a viz from Heather Jones celebrating World Bicycle Day. Jam packed full of interesting data in a beautiful layout there is much to explore across these 10 cycle obsessed cities.
And what better way to be able to track those cycling stats than with a CJ Mayes tutorial? In part two of his Strava Maps guide, CJ guides us through quicker preparation of the GPX files used in the creation of the routes taken on those cycling journeys.
Samo Drole teases us with a clip of stage by stage flow of the Giro d'Italia in this tweet. Do make sure you check out (and zoom in to) the full version, it's a fascinating journey through the event. Stunning design as always, Samo!
Tableaing posed an interesting question with regards to the French Open and their visualisation of the live game scoring. With so much data available it can be tempting to include as much as possible. For sure, there is a balance between simplicity and detail. Have the French Open achieved that here? Could you do better? We'd love to see it. For inspiration, check out the tweet and see how CJ tackled live scoring previously.
Moving on now to football. With the major leagues in Europe coming to an end we've seen a number of great vizzes starting with Ben Norland and his Premier League - Actual vs Expected Goals analysis. I love the key takeaways here, Ben. Drawing me into those key points and then leading me onto others. Great job!
Daniel Musil explores the fortunes of the top three teams in the Fortuna Liga including his own Slavia Prague. This design highlights nicely the flow of the season in how Slavia started the season well before Sparta Prague's spring form took hold with an impressive run culminating in their first championship in nine years. Commiserations, Daniel. There's always next season...
Nail-biting times at the bottom of La Liga for five teams who today will learn their fate with the final relegation place still "up for grabs". Pablo Ferro's rank chart shows the fortunes of all the La Liga clubs as it all comes down to this crucial final day. Good luck Pablo!
And now the season is finished, if you are looking for that club football fix during the summer (many of us will be tuning into the Women's World Cup) then have a go at visualising aspects of the Premier League season with this collection of data compiled by CJ.
We are switching now to BasketBall. Before we showcase the vizzes, for those who like to consume data related content via video then check this out. From the hugely entertaining Matt Parker, watch the evolution of the "three pointer"
The NBA Finals see the Denver Nuggets and the Miami Heat take on one another. Sekou Tyler has created this preview looking back at the seasons fortunes for the respective clubs. Far be it for me to comment on sports I barely understand but I find it interesting how a team with what seems to be a modest win rate of 53% has a chance of achieving the top prize. Great viz, Sekou!
Following on from Sekou. Lev Akabas brilliantly shows us the respective pre-season rankings of clubs that made it (and won) each year's finals. It appears this year is somewhat historic with both Miami and Denver appearing somewhat lower down in the rankings at 8th and 9th respectively. Do check out the rest of this tweet as well, there is a great thread below.
College BasketBall is as big as the professional game and Britton Staniar takes a look at how the number one seed fares in the NCAA tournament each year. Great Sankey, Britt! Loads of interactive to try out here. Check it out!
Finally, Dave Thomas takes many of us back to those pre-children days–when we had that wonderful thing called time– to dig out this Sankey sketch. I couldn't quite identify the tournament (do let us know, Dave) my guess is that it's Rugby related. Love the creativity, Dave.
I defy you to feel unsatisfied following this visual feast which has been an absolute delight to compile this weekend.
Take care, sports fans. Until next time.
Simon & the #SportsVizSunday team