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Weekly Roundup 10.27.2024


Welcome to your latest instalment of the Sports Viz Sunday weekly round-up. We've got a number of fantastic designs to showcase this week so without further ado, let's dive right in!

First up, we learned this week that Glasgow has decided to 'pick up the tab' for the next edition of the Commonwealth Games. In doing so, it's taken the decision to reduce the number of events to ensure costs are manageable. It will be interesting to see whether the mini-games are regarded as a success or spark the beginning of the end. Abbie Taylor has created this radial diagram brilliantly showcasing how the Games have evolved. Fantastic use of colour means it's easy to see which sports will be continuing and which have had the difficult decision made to discontinue them.

I'm sure one reason the sporting vizzes have been a little quieter over the last couple of weeks is due to the #Ironviz qualifiers. I'm sure we're going to see many vizzes which pair the theme of entertainment with sport in the coming days but if even you needed inspiration to give #ironviz a go, check out this epic from Rob Taylor documenting the story of Duane "the rock" Johnson. In addition to the fantastic design and skills this long-form design contains, Rob overwhelmingly displays a level of passion and dedication for his subject which is why I enjoy IronViz so much.

You've got to be at least 6 feet tall (~2 metres) to play basketball, haven't you?! Well, not according to Yasushi Ishokawa who's tracked the remarkable story of Yuki Kawamura who's made an unprecedented impact on the sport despite measuring up at 'only' 5ft 8in. Lovely viz, Yasushi!

Sidharth Suresh takes a look at the creative players in the Indian Super League this season with this simple but effective stacked bar tracking shots, chances and significant attacking build-ups. The highly contrasting colours give an immediate impression of which players tend to fair best in goal-scoring contributions vs. those who assist more often.

Sports Viz Sunday regular, Jeff Plattner showcases Tableau's dynamic zone zooming to great effect with this dashboard tracking American Football's NFL leaders across a number of different metrics. Not only does the dashboard look fantastic but drilling into each section reveals an informative scatterplot. All is achieved brilliantly smoothly through the aforementioned dynamic zooming.

In boys PE at school, apart from the position of goalkeeper, the positions of right and left-back were typically reserved for the weakest (from a footballing ability perspective) children. How times have changed and now the full-back roles are some of the most talked about–and important. Last up for this week we have a fantastic insight from Mohammad Adnan who's tracked the average positions of each of Spanish's La Liga teams. It's clear to see with the slopegraphs Mohammad how each team is varying their uses.

That's all for this week, folks. Wishing you all fantastic weeks ahead.

Simon & the #sportsvizsunday team


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