I've had a really fulfilling week getting to chat all things data with friends at the Datafam Europe conference this week. I'm very excited to see what's coming in terms of AI and automation with the Tableau platform, it will revolutionise how we see and understand data.
At the conference #SportsVizSunday also had the opportunity to host one of the hands on training / community sessions alongside the back to viz basics team. A fun way for us to connect with individuals of all levels, either with a passion for data, or sport, or both. Thank you to those that rocked up - the engagement was fantastic.
We even had a few Sports Viz regulars in the crowd such as Rob!
We are more than happy to come present about Sports Viz Sunday - just reach out to one of the team.
It looks like a few people online also set themselves the 15 minute timebox to complete the different datasets we looked at. Lets start with a round up of that, but there is still time to get involved. The datasets are available on our repo, or through the B2VB channel below
First up, on Tims profile he first calls out Roger Federer's win record at Wimbledon using the first tennis dataset.
The second call out using the F1 data, he compares the journey of the Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen in the 2021 championship.
Great idea to call out specific sportsman in both datasets Tim!
Tim closes out this weeks challenge by looking at whether coach performance is better if remaining at one team, or going on to lead multiple different teams.
X wouldn't allow me to embed Ryo's neon theme impact at the challenge, so I ask that you go through the thread to load it.
It features a wonderful bar chart highlighting USA representatives at Wimbledon, a rank chart for F1 winners, and a coaching tenure vs win % for NCAA coaches.
Hiroyoshi fits all three of the datasets onto one single pane for the challenge this week. First of all calling out number of wins, by gender at Wimbledon. In the middle pane Hiroyoshi brings to the attention the incredible 77% win rate of Mike Krzyzewski, the most wins out of all the coaches.
One Sports Viz regular who we missed at last weeks conference was Ben Norland, but it's so pleasing seeing him get involved in other ways with this nicely designed Premier League KPI dashboard.
Click through the team list on the right hand side to highlight the stats for the chosen team. Are we finally starting to see the fall of man city? With only 1.4 npxG accumulated against both Fulham and Wolves it certainly might seem so.
This week Yash shares with us a blog he's written on bar charts showing runs with wicket overlays.
A great way to visually compare the two teams at distinctive overs. Surrey actually 10 runs short of Lancashire at the 6 over mark before bouncing back by the 15 over mark. Mainly due to consistent batting, where Lancashire had fallen short in the 11th over.
Georgios looks at NBA relocations, and has kindly shared his code from the 30 day map challenge. Well worth a follow, as I also saw a few other piece from Georgios including an Olympic women's basketball winning percentages and Basketball courts above the Arctic Circle piece both equally exciting!
An interesting heatmap from Statsbomb this week looking at space when passing. I was quite suprised to see some of the better teams to have more space at the back. Perhaps naturally if playing higher up the pitch in more congested areas. Looks like Bournemouth and Tottenham have been in for a hard time.
I caught the replay of the clash between Mike & Jake this weekend. I know some of the die hard boxing fans aren't the biggest fans of events like this but I genuinely believe the social media / You tube era has really pushed the popularity of boxing as a sport. I'm sure it won't be the last we see of this kind of event, especially with the amount of money getting pumped into it. Kevin highlights the longevity of the two athletes performance in wins, losses, draws and no contests.
A massive congratulations goes to Abbie Taylor for her VizOfTheDay for her work on the commonwealth games. It was one of our favourites of the month!
Closing out this week with a bullseye viz. Which I would rate with 3 straight 10's!
Kimberly looks at her growth of learning archery now shooting an average of 6.8 up from 2.97 when she first started at the end of 2023.
Speaking of precision in sport. I am now off to go watch the final of the darts. Wonder kid Luke Littler has wowed the crowd's to reach the final of the grand slam final, and I can't wait!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
CJ and the #SportsVizSunday team